Thursday, November 12, 2009

Where is Andrew Shepherd?

I am channel surfing in the hotel and I stopped at "The American President."

No matter what side of politics you are on, where are the men like Andrew Shepherd?  Integrity, leadership, and the ability to admit when he is wrong.  If you click on the link, you will hear one of the best 5 minutes in the movies.  I don't necessarily agree with the politics, but the way he takes a stand is definitely worth it.  It is a great speech.  Especially when he says that "America isn't easy." 

Neither is running projects or large organizations.  It takes guts to stand up and say what is right.  It takes integrity to report status as it should be.  It takes vision to truly be a leader and not just a manager.  My favorite line in the whole movie is when Andrew (Michael Douglas) states, "I was so busy keeping my job....I forgot to do my job.....well that ends today!"

I think that quote is perfect for project managers to remember.

No day but today,


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